BONO-Direkthilfe e.V. is registered at the Amtsgericht Cologne in the association register with the registration number VR 502219.
Michael Müller-Offermann, Gereon Wagener (ViSdMDStV)
Donations account
Bank: Kreissparkasse Köln
Bank identification code: 37050299
Account number: 373002353
IBAN: DE71370502990373002353
The BONO-Direkthilfe e.V. is a registered non-profit organisation. Donations and membership fees are tax deductible. Inheritances and bequests are tax-exempt.
The persons depicted on this website are not, unless explicitly stated, affected by human trafficking and forced prostitution or commercial sexual exploitation.
BONO-Direkthilfe e.V.
Overather Straße 29
51429 Bergisch Gladbach
Phone: +49 (0) 2204 – 919 94 04
Fax: +49 (0) 2204 – 919 94 05
Concept, design and realisation
Maria Pätzold and Luca Graf
With the support of corsite interactive gmbh – Digitale Agentur
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The contents of this website are protected by copyright. All information, documents and photos are subject to copyright. Any further use of the contents requires the express permission of BONO-Direkthilfe e.V.
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BONO-Direkthilfe e.V. uses the data you provide (name, address, email) solely for the purpose of providing its services. The data is stored electronically and treated in strict confidence. It will not be passed on to third parties. We are legally obliged to inform you that you can object to the storage, processing and use of your data.
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